

Atmospheric corrosion of metals is currently responsible for an appreciable percentage of the global damage produced by this phenomenon in facilities made of this type of material. For this reason, this causes an alteration of the durability, as well as, in the operability.


Quimilock in this case provides coatings with VpCI vapor phase corrosion inhibitors, the VpCI technology applied in this case allows to increase the useful life of the coatings due to its special characteristics as it forms a homogeneous monomolecular film on the metallic surface that prevents corrosion.


In the case of coatings with VpCI, the arrangement of the charges that it carries will be equally random, but not the arrangement of the VCI vapor phase inhibitor, which is absorbed on the metal surface directly, creating a second barrier against aggressive ions. external.



· Inhibidores de Corrosión en fase vapor

Artículo publicado en el número 379 de la revista Ingeniería Química de Mayo del 2001 Autores: Jesús Orte Crespo y leonardo Ramírez Freire

· Uso de inhibidores de corrosión VpCI en instalaciones de calor y frío

Artículo publicado en la revista amicyf en el nº 63. Autores: Jesús Orte Crespo y Leonardo Ramírez Freire.


Catalogo General de productos VpCI-MCI

· Catalogo general VpCI-MCI